To view
CME status on the screen, do the following:
1. From the
main menu, scroll down and tap/click on the CONTINUING ED STATUS button
to be taken to the CME Snapshot screen.
You will
be presented with the license or board being tracked, its
expiration date, Total CEUs, # courses taken. The data is compiled
from the effective date to the current date.
To generate a report
containing all the information in a final credential but using the
date ranges you specify, do the following:
3. Tap/click
on the hamburger menu icon (box with three lines in the upper right
corner of the screen), then tap/click onContinuing
Ed to expand the options below.
Tap/click on Lic/Board
4. From this
screen labeled License/Board CEU Status Details
choose the
license or board you wish using the select dropdown. A list
of current licenses and boards is displayed.
5. Tap/click
on the start year and finally on the end year to generate
the report.
You can now get a PDF copy of this report by clicking on
Email Report to Me.